Product Updates- September 2023

New Features:

1. Payment Currency Setting: Ability for an admin to configure payment currency setting to receive exercise and tax amounts in separate currencies.

a. Ability for administrator to configure Payment Currency setting to receive exercise amount and tax amount in separate currency: This feature is to address the requirements of certain customers who want to collect Exercise amount in issuer base currency/Exercise price currency and Tax amount in different currency. Admin can enable this configuration from Settings > Configurations > Exercise Configurations - Option Awards > Payment configurations > Payment Currency settings.

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b. Ability for employee to view the payment to be made in expected currencies at the time of options exercise: Conversion rate as on date of exercise is applied at the time of calculating the amount payable.

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c. Ability for employees to submit the payment details as per Payment currency configuration: On the payment details screen, the Exercise amount and Tax amount components will calculate and display the amounts in expected payment currency.

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d. Ability for employees to view payment currency amount on the exercise form:

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e. Ability for employee to view the Payment currency and conversion rate on Acknowledgement, View exercise, Pending exercise screens

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f. Ability for administrator to view payment currency amount and conversion information in download All exercises and In Progress exercises report: Admin can access the report from Equity Awards > Exercises > All Exercises > Click on Download icon

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g. The amounts payable as per Payment currency configuration are displayed in the Exercise details sheet in All exercises and In Progress exercises Reports.

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h. The amounts payable as per Payment currency configuration are displayed in the Payment and Approval sheet in All exercises and In Progress exercises Reports.

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2. Exercise Window Configuration: Ability for the admin to enable the exercise window For All vs Active Grantee vs Separated Grantee

a. As an administrator, along with the ability to enable the exercise window with duration (Open permanently/Specific duration); now you can also enable the exercise window for “All/Active/Separated” option award holders. Navigate to Settings -> Configurations -> Exercise Configurations – Option Awards -> Exercise Window (tab)

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3. Ability to configure decimal precision for option award for both admin and employee - If this needs to be configured, a support ticket can be raised