Ownership made easy!
Your CapTable visualized, easy to use and built to scale.

Record every transaction from inception to date to ensure your CapTable is accurate. Share it with stakeholders with appropriate permissions.


Read how innovative founders around the world are leveraging Qapita to engage their investors and employees.

Equity is the most valuable asset your company owns. Qapita helps founders and employees make better decisions around their equity. Trusted by 1,800+ rapidly growing businesses.

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Trusted by 2,400+ rapidly growing businesses

The Qapita platform is used by rapidly growing companies across Southeast Asia, India and the rest of the world to record CapTables, transactions, securities and legal documents.

Our Customer stories

Learn how Qapita is helping companies enhance their employee experience and investor relations. We take care of all equity matters for our customers.

Aquibur Rahman

Qapita is one of the easiest equity management tools with one of the best support teams in the market. They not only helped us in using the platform to its full potential but also extended help in handling all the legal compliance matters related to our employee equity plan.

Aquibur Rahman


CEO & Founder
Gaurang Shah

Great team! Handheld us as we went through several iterations to get our team onboarded. Super easy to use. Very cost effective. Strongly recommend this to alternatives.

Gaurang Shah

Bulk MRO


Be Due Diligence ready

Share a single source of truth with all stakeholders. Keep your stakeholders up-to-date and inspire confidence in prospective investors. Go digital. Go paperless.

Cap Table

Customisable reports – Simplify investor reporting and compliance

Generate customised reports and certifications.

Run Scenarios. Visualise your Future Rounds, Warrants and Notes

Bye-bye complex financial models on spreadsheets. Qapita platform runs complex scenarios to simulate rounds and exits to help you make the right decisions. Our equity management professionals will run bespoke scenarios for you, if required.


Breeze through Due Diligence for your next round with our dataroom solution

Our equity management platform also offers a comprehensive dataroom solution for your DD needs. Export all documents into organised folders. Be DD ready in minutes.

We guard your data with care, so that you can relax

Qapita guards your data with the highest level of security and compliance. We are enterprise grade with ISO 27001, SOC2 and GDPR certification.

Guard Data